July 20, 2013

The angry beauty of the night sky....

"...those war-clouds that gather on the horizon, dragon-crested, tongued with fire; - how is their barbed strength bridled? .....what bits are these they are champing with their vaporous lips...." [John Ruskin, "The Cloud - Balancings"]

Paying for your mistakes and then some....

Last weekend I rear ended this lady who sharply stopped in the middle of the intersection when the light was changing from green to yellow and then to red (she had a go an then decided to stop all of a sudden). My fault, I know ....no matter the circumstances..... So today I settled with her for her repairs....not ideal to shell $ just before the trip, but hey I gotta pay for my mistakes.

We chatted, and I don't know why or how it all came around to it, but she asked me to meet with her after I come back from vacation and mentor her in her career (she is a recent newcomer) and give her some advice in terms of studying and furthering her skills. I agreed.... Good deed for the day (unplanned but hey it counts :)) and I will have to live up to that promise.......

July 19, 2013

Pay it forward

I have read somewhere about this guy, who as a new year resolution decided to do a good deed a day for 365 days. I thought the idea was so neat, and whilst reading the heartwarming stories, I wished I can do more of something like that. What appealed to me is not only the ability to pay it forward, but also to employ one's creativity to perform those random acts of kindness with a very conscious effort.

I think (long story :)) that I justifiably peeved my karma somehow, partially due to the constants experiments that I tend to conduct (see Cultural explorations -other kind for an example), which in the hindsight left a bitter aftertaste and partially because quite a few other things seem to be going wrong lately. Also, perhaps being a do gooder, will give me that bit of intrinsic satisfaction of helping someone and impacting someone's life (however minor) for the better......So I wanted to do some good for a change - consciously and intentionally.

So while driving to work yesterday, I decided to embark on this journey of sorts and decided to do more good deeds, if not daily (although will aim for that), at least more often.....

Yesterday, I lent my parking pass transponder (fully prepaid by me) for a one month use to a coworker, who can definitely use that freebie, instead of selling it for the face value. Since I will have no need for it while on vacation, my colleague can save some money on parking.

Today, I agreed to car pool to a corporate event with a colleague who I can't stand, and who rubs me the wrong way.....My patience will be tested in many ways during this two hour ride. Trust me (those who know will understand :),  this is a big act of kindness on my part!

July 14, 2013

Reason and passion

"Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgement wage war against the passion and the appetite......

Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul. If either your rudder or your sails be broken,  you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.

For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.

Therefore, let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion, that it may sing;

And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the Phoenix rise above it's own ashes."

(Khalil Gibran)

This is by far my favourite poet, whose book, given to me by a friend a very long time ago,  I tend to re-read on occasion ....especially when the occasion calls for it ......

July 11, 2013

Nostalgia in reverse ......

"Nostalgia in reverse, the longing for another strange land, that grew especially strong in spring" -Vladimir Nabokov.... and so this journey to the unknown starts here ....
